
Minting SY

SY is a token standard that implements a standardized API for wrapped yield-bearing tokens within smart contracts. All yield-bearing and points-bearing tokens can be wrapped into SY, giving them a common interface that can be built upon. PT and YT are minted from SY. SY opens up Splices’s yield-tokenization mechanism to all yield and point-bearing tokens in DeFi, creating a permissionless ecosystem.

Step 1: Select the Swap Tab

Step 2: Select the underlying asset you would like to swap out of

Step 3: Select the SY asset that you would like to mint

Step 4: Ensure the correct amount is approved and select the Swap button to initialize the transaction

Mint PT and YT with your yield-bearing tokens.​

Step 1: Go to Portfolio Page

Step 2: Select the Manage button of your desired asset

Step 3: Select the Mint Tab

Step 4: Enter the amount you would like swap from

Step 5: Approve the amount, and then select the Mint button to initialize the transaction

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