Adding liquidity

Zapping In to LP

Users can add liquidity using and of the tokens currently listed on Splice. The supported tokens are shown on the 'Markets' page, shown below:

To select a market, simply click on the asset of choice. This will take you to a page with options for interacting with the market. The three options are 'Buy PT', 'Buy YT', and 'Provide Liquidity'.

Clicking on the 'Add Liquidity' button in the 'Provide Liquidity ' tab will open a panel showing the breakdown of the SY and PT tokens in a market pool, note that providing liquidity retains points exposure as SY tokens are comprised of PT and YT tokens.

In addition to pool composition, your market wide exposure is displayed on the right side. This shows all of the yield tokenization forms available on Splice Finance. Note, you can claim your rewards from your asset exposure to the market

To provide liquidity:

  1. Select the market you would like to provide liquidity to.

  2. Enter the amount of the initial asset you would like to provide liquidity with.

  3. Confirm you are satisfied with the routing output.

  4. Confirm you are satisfied with the slippage tolerance for the transaction.

  5. Approve the transaction in your wallet!

Last updated