Splice Finance

Free the Yield with Splice Finance

Splice is a fork of Pendle V2. For more detailed information about how Pendle V2 works visit their docs -> https://docs.pendle.finance/

Fixed yield and leveraged points are now available on Mode!

By creating a yield market in DeFi, Splice unlocks the full potential to go long on yield and leverage points multipliers or received a fixed income. The three main strategies are:

  • Fixed yield (e.g. earn fixed yield on ezETH)

  • Long yield (e.g. bet on MODE yield going up by purchasing more yield)

  • Earn more yield without additional risks (e.g. provide liquidity with your MODE)

Must Read

There are 4 types of token that make up a Splice market:

  • PT Token - These are Principal Tokens. Minting or swapping into these will allow the user to purchase the token at a discount to it's Fair Market Value on the day of maturity. This provides the buyer a fixed yield that they can rely on.

  • YT Token - These are Yield Tokens. Minting or swapping into them will allow the user to receive a leveraged and boosted yield during the term of the contract. They will degrade to zero upon the redemption date and can be trade at anytime before that date.

  • SY Token - These are Standardized Yield tokens. These are the tokens you receive when you claim your rewards. You can swap them into their underlying tokens on the Swap page.

  • LPT token - These are Liquidity Provider Tokens. Minters of LPT tokens will receive both APY and Yield points, however both will be lower than PT and YT tokens individually.

Last updated